Lied – Text – Download „Echo of truth“

Der Lied – Text greift aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen auf, wie die Notwendigkeit, unterschiedliche Perspektiven zu betrachten, die Wahrheit zu hinterfragen und sich nicht von oberflächlichen oder manipulativen Informationen leiten zu lassen. Diese Themen sind besonders relevant in Zeiten, in denen Desinformation und die Erosion von demokratischen Werten immer stärker zunehmen. Durch das Erforschen und Hinterfragen können wir eine tiefere, wahrhaftigere Einsicht in die Welt erlangen.

Quelle: ChatGPT😜

Verse 1:

You’re standing on the edge, looking out to the night,
Questioning the world that keeps you in the fight.
The shadows dance, but you stay still,
You want the truth, not just another thrill.

(Backing vocals: „Look deeper, go beyond.“)


Leave the old path, see with different eyes,
The truth is waiting, but you gotta rise.
Break the chains that keep your mind in line,
Only those who question can truly shine.

(Backing vocals: „Question, search, never rest.“)

Verse 2:

So many voices, shouting to be heard,
But what’s real and what’s absurd?
Every perspective sings its own song,
But the truth is hidden where it’s been all along.

(Backing vocals: „What you see isn’t all there is.“)


Leave the old path, see with different eyes,
The truth is waiting, but you gotta rise.
Break the chains that keep your mind in line,
Only those who question can truly shine.

(Backing vocals: „Question, search, never rest.“)


In the depths where lies fall apart,
You hear the truth echo in your heart.
No road is easy, but you must go,
To find the light where the shadows grow.

Chorus (Reprise):

Leave the old path, see with different eyes,
The truth is waiting, but you gotta rise.
Break the chains that keep your mind in line,
Only those who question can truly shine.

(Backing vocals: „Question, search, never rest.“)


So keep on searching, don’t be afraid,
The truth is out there, in the choices you’ve made.
No matter how dark the road may seem,
Hold on to the light, and follow your dream.

(Backing vocals: „Follow your dream, follow your dream…“)

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